Los Angeles converts parking lot into green environment

Part of the price of progress is that, as cities grow, urban development consumes greener spaces more and more. As a result, metropolitan areas like New York City have become increasingly devoid of nature. Not only is this aesthetically disappointing for some people, it's ecologically harmful to have the environment subside to city construction. But some places are looking for ways to reverse this trend. In one of the more recent examples of this, Los Angeles just recently converted a parking lot into a new, vibrant park.

Built by Leher Architects and designed by a variety of town agencies – including the Mayor's office, the local Recreation and Parks department and the "Friends of Spring Street Park non-profit group – the newly unveiled Spring Street Park in Downtown Los Angeles is the latest product of the 50 Parks Initiative. The campaign, which was launched in August 2012, targets old and abandoned urban spaces – many of which were left behind by the housing collapse. 

"By creating these 50 parks in the least-served neighborhoods of Los Angeles, we are permanently transforming our City," said Barry Sanders, Commission President of Recreation and Parks, in a press release. "With the addition of the 50 Parks Initiative, about 20 percent of the parks established during this Department's long history will be the work of the last seven years."

Of course, creating new parks isn't the only way to help promote greener lifestyles. You can help the environment by investing into energy efficient homes.

If you live in Maryland, make an appointment with Maryland home inspectors for a home inspection that can determine the energy efficiency of your property and what you can do to better reduce your house's energy consumption.