Earlier this week, President Barack Obama announced his new initiative to help combat global climate change. The president's new plan – which will be finalized in June 2015 – is aimed at curbing the pollution produced by power plants, as they are the single worst combined emitter of carbon dioxide in the country. While the administration will monitor the progress of its goal of a 30 percent total reduction in emissions by 2030, the implementation of the plan will actually be held at the state level to allow for autonomy and flexibility.
Obama's plan puts some parts of the country at a distinct advantage due to pre-existing energy efficiency programs. This includes New England and mid-Atlantic states, such as Maryland, that have instated their own rules and regulations to stifle greenhouse gases released by power plants for nearly a decade. The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative put a cap on how much these facilities could emit into the atmosphere, while auctioning off certain pollution "allowances."
This is a market-based approach that appealed to the Obama administration while forming its own Climate Action Plan, as it bears significant resemblance to what is already in place. According to officials, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative has resulted in the reduction of pollution by 40 percent in participating states, which is largely the outcome of switching from coal to natural gas. In Obama's plan, plants will be given the option to either invest in more energy-efficient technology or make the switch to a more environmentally-sustainable power source.
If you are a Maryland resident looking to live in a more eco-friendly home, schedule an appointment with Alban Inspections for an energy audit today.