In an effort to bring more attention to and literally illuminate the presence of some of its beautiful architecture, the city of Saginaw, Michigan, is installing lights on a number of its historic downtown buildings.
Paul Chaffee, one of the coordinators of the Saginaw Sees the Light project, told local news source that the purpose of the lights is to give the city’s “architectural treasures” the recognition they deserve.
On Tuesday, January 15, the Castle Museum of Saginaw County History will become the 14th building to become illuminated thanks to this project. There is, however, one big difference between this establishment and all the others: the Castle Museum will be the first one equipped with LED bulbs.
Although most years the projects cost approximately $5,000, the inclusion of these special energy-efficient lights will require a bit more cash upfront. Thankfully, local residents donated some money, but most of it came from the Frank N. Andersen Foundation and a fund that the Castle Museum set up for the project.
“We’re ecstatic because this building is an iconic structure, and it’s probably one of the most recognizable and treasured building in this region,” said Ken Santa, the Castle Museum’s president and chiefexecutive officer. “This lighting project is just going to make this building shine even more.”
Although the upfront costs may be a little steeper, home and business owners can save money in the long run on monthly utility costs by making the switch to LED bulbs. If you’re interested in learning about how this and other energy-efficient upgrades can help you switch to a more eco-friendly and cost-effective lifestyle, contact a home inspection contractor today.