Prospective buyers should always hire a home inspection service to reveal just how much work will need to be done before the property can be resold for a profit.
Prospective buyers should always hire a home inspection service to reveal just how much work will need to be done before the property can be resold for a profit.
Marshall told the House of Delegates that a broken CFL bulb can be hazardous to the residents of a home, particularly to children and pregnant women.
California lawmakers passed a bill that mandates one third of the state’s power to be generated by renewable energy sources by 2020.
While their analysis focused primary on energy use, students also studied the behaviors of residents as they related to overall green habits.
At the end of the summer, homeowners may set up a fan system that runs on a timer, in order to promote air flow without wasting too much electricity.
Even though 96 percent claimed they cared about the cost of their energy use, many were unclear as to how exactly they can go about achieving energy efficiency.
According to Northville Patch, Paterno lived in a high radon risk area – the Pennsylvania Appalachians.
Homes must meet several new standards, including achieving higher standards for heating and insulation efficiency and having ducts tested to ensure no leakage exists.
The market for green homes will increase substantially from $17 billion to up to $114 billion by 2016.
Homeowners would receive rebates for installing new, energy-efficient heating and insulation and for sealing ducts, windows and doors.