Thermal cameras allow for a drive-by energy audit

25 Apr, 2012

Homeowners will soon be able to see – in picture form – specific areas of the home that are least efficient.

Geothermal systems may not be appropropriate for every homeowner

24 Apr, 2012

A home energy expert warned McCutcheon that new homes can experience moisture problems related to geothermal systems.

Poll: Number of energy-conscious Americans shrinking

23 Apr, 2012

Economic turmoil may have caused homeowners to spend on more immediate concerns, since many of the benefits of energy efficiency are more long-term in nature.

Home remodeling reaches six-year peak

20 Apr, 2012

If the goal of remodeling is to make homes more comfortable, why not work toward home energy efficiency simultaneously?

When working toward home energy efficiency, how green is too green?

19 Apr, 2012

Nearly three-quarters of consumers considered reducing showers to save water and searching in dumpsters for reusable products to be excessive green practices.

Light bulb with 20-year lifespan hits market

18 Apr, 2012

The Philips bulb is expected to last 30 times longer than incandescent bulbs and three times longer than CFL bulbs.

Do green workspaces boost employee productivity?

17 Apr, 2012

If workers come to work every day and are subjected to a drab work environment, they are unlikely to be truly productive.

Young family forced from home due to crumbling, mold-infested walls

16 Apr, 2012

The home’s siding did not contain any moisture barrier, so mold had a fertile environment in which to grow.

Los Angeles tops EPA’s list of most Energy Star buildings

13 Apr, 2012

The other cities near the top of the list were Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco, New York, Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, Riverside and Boston.

Home energy efficiency possible through state loan program

12 Apr, 2012

There are no limitations to projects homeowners can embark on, as long as they create worthwhile savings.