There is no shortage of reasons why a home inspection by a certified professional is an invaluable investment, both for the interests of the seller who wants to get the best possible price for a property and those of a buyer looking to avoid being saddled with a poorly maintained purchase that will only become more costly as time progresses. It's important to procure the services of a trusted home inspector so you know what problems with a property are the serious ones to be especially cautious about.
Here are two examples of property shortcomings that you should be most concerned about:
Flawed foundation: A dilapidated foundation, whether merely cracked or crumbling, demands the type of repair and attention that can be prohibitively expensive. The worst possible scenario with foundations is when they have to be replaced entirely, which becomes more likely the older a house is.
Weak Roof: The materials used for a roof will play a critical role in how quickly it has aged, so much so that the age of a house isn't an automatic determinant in whether or not the roof is sturdy or in need of major repairs. Lifting, splitting, cracking, rotting, blistering and curling are just a few of the terms you want to be aware of when your home inspector is looking at the roof. Any of these symptoms suggest a likelihood of leakage and future water intrusion and maybe damage. And just as it is with the bottom of a house, repairing its top can be particularly expensive as well.
Purchasing or selling a new home can be a stressful experience. Help it go as smoothly as possible. If you live in the Virginia or Washington, D.C., area, contact industry-leader Alban Inspections today for a quality home inspection.