If you haven't already implemented solar power technology into your home or business, you are missing out. 2014 was the year solar power solidified its importance in the U.S.
Consider these facts as just some of the many reasons why you should jump on the energy efficient bandwagon.
- U.S. solar production has increased by 139,000 percent in the last 10 years.
- According to the Solar Foundation, the solar industry has employed 173,807 people as of November 2014. This is a 21.8 percent increase from just a year ago.
- Photovoltaic installations increased by 30 percent from 2013.
- It added almost as many new megawatts last year to the natural grid as natural gas, said GTM research.
This growth can be attributed to three major reasons, according to Mother Jones:
- Costs are dropping for installation, financing and actual materials used.
- Falling costs allow both large and small companies to innovate advancements and perform installations.
- Federal incentives are still on the books (for now).
Despite these growing statistics, these numbers may not last. An increase in installations now could decrease the future amount needed to be placed. Installation is also becoming more efficient, eliminating steps and possibly jobs. The federal tax credit incentive offered by the government is also set to expire in 2017. Groups are already lobbying to keep this incentive, in at least some form, so solar power can remain a popular method of energy.
If you are interested in learning more about home energy efficiency or possible commercial installations schedule an inspection with Alban inspectors. Alban inspectors are licensed and trained for a variety of home and commercial inspection fields including mold, energy efficiency and water damage.