When sandbags are the last line of defense between a home and a restless river, homeowners should begin considering a home inspection service that will help them assess damages should water begin to infiltrate their properties. Mold testing is particularly important to homeowners who are allergic to these irritants.
In northern Oregon, water from the Sandy River has still not receded from a flood that occurred last year. Some homeowners have had to remove porches from their property due to the unstable ground upon which they were built. Much of the nearby land has been eroded because of the rising waters.
The Sandy River is located near Mt. Hood, a volcano that erupted 200 years ago, so much of the land properties were built upon is unstable. Since the river's flow is so unpredictable, many homeowners are constantly worried about damage to their properties.
"If you go back and look through that area, there's historic channels that have just been occupied and re-occupied over and over again, because the river is so dynamic up there," Clackamas County Emergency Management's Jay Wilson told Oregon television station KATU.
Particularly during hurricane season and during the spring, when rainfall amounts are generally higher, rivers in the Tri-State area also experience flooding. During Tropical Storm Lee last summer, the Susquehanna River experienced its worst floods in 40 years. Other local water sources, such as the Potomac and James rivers, can cause homeowners difficulties should water infiltrate their properties.
Should flooding occur, a Washington, D.C. home inspector with experience conducting testing for mold should be sought out to help assess damages. If mold is allowed to grow unencumbered, the structural integrity of the home could be in jeopardy and residents could begin to experience negative health effects.