Is the private well water your family drinks safe? What about the well water you may be inheriting in your first home purchase?
According to the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, families that use well water instead of U.S.-regulated water should have it tested for arsenic. Private well water is not regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
This could be a health hazard for infants if not detected and prevented. The study concluded that formula-fed infants whose families drank well water had seven-and-a-half times the amount of arsenic in their urine as breastfed infants.
Researchers tested arsenic levels in the tap water of 874 New Hampshire family homes, said Health Day.
Despite these findings, their is no need for panic or anxiety about your water. Exposure to arsenic during the years of early infancy is low, regardless of how you choose to feed your child.
Arsenic levels in tap water were often below EPA recommended limits.
If you use well water as a main source of hydration, it should be tested for common contaminates such as bacteria, nitrates, nitrites and lead. In addition, the EPA and other agencies suggest that home owners test for sulfate, chloride, iron, manganese, lead, hardness and the corrosion index every three years.
Home inspection contractors like Alban inspectors are trained and accredited to collect water for testing. Keeping up with scheduled maintenance and security of wells can help avoid expensive problems and replacements from occurring.
For more information on water safety or other home inspection topics visit our website or call us for a prompt, reliable response 1-800-822-7200.