Most of us already know that what seem like expensive green energy investments today can pay for themselves many times over throughout their lifetime. Nevertheless, sometimes the magnitude of the savings can surprise even the hardiest advocate for energy efficiency. According to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), the $18 million invested this year by the DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) will eventually lead to savings of over $100 million for DC residents, businesses and governmental agencies. In addition to the financial savings, ACEEE estimates that DC residents have saved over 60,000 megawatt hours of electricity because of the upgrades.
The DCSEU, according to a statement on its website, is a government-funded agency "designed to help District households, businesses, and institutions save energy and money through energy efficiency and renewable energy programs." Throughout 2014, they have invested over $18 million in energy efficiency initiatives in DC. One of their biggest projects this year was the replacement of 1,200 205-watt metal halide fixtures in Union Station with 98-watt fluorescent fixtures, which will lead to an annual energy savings equivalent to 809 metric tons of carbon dioxide. However, the agency also engaged in numerous smaller projects, including a partnership with Capitol Hill Village, a local largely-senior housing association that provides supportive services to its tenants. Residents were given the opportunity to replace their inefficient personal appliances with more up-to-date models.
Looking for ways to improve your own home's energy efficiency for the coming year? Schedule a home energy audit with Alban before the new year, then make it your resolution to implement all the changes our licensed home inspectors will suggest. Before you know it, your new appliances and fixtures will be paying for themselves and more.