According to a study conducted by the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, stricter energy efficiency standards on cars, fridges and other items are cutting annual greenhouse emissions across the world.
These greenhouse gases are projected to decrease by about a tenth of their current rate by 2030, spurring economic growth simultaneously. The report estimates that the new investments in energy efficiency could boost economic output by $18 billion by 2035. Simple measures such as changing light bulbs, insulating rooms and installing tracking thermostats can make a vast difference.
"Energy efficiency really contributes economically and it is also important in terms of climate change," said study leader Russell Bishop.
The commission was attended and lead by a range of politicians, business leaders and climate experts from around the globe, highlighting the crucial part each plays to stop global warming and enhance climate sustainability.
By taking voluntary energy efficiency measures seriously, annual greenhouse gas emissions could be cut by the equivalent of 4.5 to 6.9 billion tons of carbon dioxide.
The United Nations has found that collectively, government plans are too weak as they are now to limit the target of two degrees Celsius over pre-industrial times. By eliminating this, the extinction of animals and plants, as well as the rising of sea levels and threat of drought can be prevented.
To start saving energy and conserving climate in your hometown, consider scheduling an energy audit with Alban Inspections. An audit can help determine what may be necessary to change in your home and what is sustainable in terms of overall carbon footprint reduction.
Visit our website to learn more.