Habitat for Humanity builds passive house for Washington family

18 Mar, 2013

Thanks to the local chapter of Habitat for Humanity in Whatcom County, Washington, one family in need will be soon be the proud new owners of an energy-efficient home in Bellingham.

Businesses and cities enjoy significant return on investments in LED bulbs

15 Mar, 2013

When it comes to commercial buildings and street and highway lights, the initial cost of implementing LED bulbs is offset by a significant return on investment.

Missouri town to initiate months-long repairs on moldy City Hall

14 Mar, 2013

After discovering black mold in its City Hall, the town of Bolivar, Missouri, was forced to come up with a quick plan of action to deal with the issue and ensure comfort and safety among the people who work there, reports KY3 News.

Los Angeles tops EPA’s list of U.S. cities with the most Energy Star-certified buildings

13 Mar, 2013

According to the EPA, commercial energy use makes up 17 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, costing at least $100 billion each year. But, thanks to the efforts of 20,000 Energy Star certified buildings in 2012, utility bills were slashed by more than $2.7 million.

Simple and cost-effective energy-saving tips for apartment renters

12 Mar, 2013

A recent article in the Houston Chronicle outlines some ideas for renters to make their apartments more energy efficient.

San Francisco debuts The Bay Lights, the world’s largest LED light sculpture

11 Mar, 2013

The city of San Francisco recently debuted “The Bay Lights,” the world’s largest LED light sculpture.

Report shows that heating and cooling now account for less than half of U.S. home energy use

8 Mar, 2013

A recent report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) details energy use within U.S. households.

Melting snow can lead to indoor mold problems if homeowners aren’t proactive

7 Mar, 2013

It’s been a rough winter in many parts of the United States, with a number of storms leaving behind several feet of snow. And, although many people think the worst is over once a blizzard subsides, the truth is that melting snow can cause its own inconvenient and potentially dangerous problems for homeowners.

Connecticut saves $53.8 million in energy costs in 2012

6 Mar, 2013

On March 5, the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Board released its 2012 Programs and Operations Report, which reveals some impressive data about the state’s energy efficiency programs.

How important is it to test for mold before buying a home?

5 Mar, 2013

No matter how nice a home appears, it is in your best interest to get a home inspection to determine if there are any issues that may cost you money or even affect your health in the long run.