How will Shaheen-Portman help energy consumption?

31 Jul, 2013

Yesterday, we discussed on this blog that a new energy efficiency bill – with the bipartisan support of Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Rob Portman – had finally made its way to the Senate floor for a debate and what supporters hope will be a quick passage into law.

New Senate bill critical for U.S. energy efficiency

30 Jul, 2013

Known as the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act – or, alternatively, just Shaheen-Portman – the bill has finally made its way to the Senate floor, where advocates are hopeful that a debate will end with the eco-friendly legislation becoming law.

New York laws spurring energy efficiency demand

29 Jul, 2013

As states begin enacting new legislation for energy efficiency requirements, some areas are reporting greater clamor from residents for sustainability. One of the biggest hotspots for this demand has been New York, which, after establishing its Greener, Greater Buildings Plan, has seen many building owners request help for establishing more eco-friendly standards.

California schools awarded energy efficiency grant

26 Jul, 2013

With governments making strides toward energy efficiency on a local, state and national level, the number of energy efficient homes and businesses in the United States is looking to increase over the next decade, benefiting both the environment and electricity bills.

Milwaukee pledges $100 million to energy efficiency

25 Jul, 2013

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett announced on Tuesday, July 23, that his city was the latest to join the fold, with a new plan that will dedicate $100 million to helping building owners afford green living renovations over time instead of all at once.

California leading the charge on energy efficiency

24 Jul, 2013

The Natural Resources Defense Council, one of the country’s top environmental agencies, has released a new analysis outlining California’s energy efficiency accomplishments.

Buyers beware: Be sure to get a home inspection before purchasing a house

23 Jul, 2013

AOL Real Estate has identified some of the most prominent and harmful issues a home may contain, which home inspection contractors can address.

Save big on energy bills with proper insulation

22 Jul, 2013

Blasting AC all day, every day is hardly conducive to affordable electricity bills and eco-friendly lifestyles. Implementing more energy efficiency measures at home can help bring down those expenses while still staying cool this summer.

How to survive a heat wave without breaking the bank

19 Jul, 2013

For anyone looking for ways to keep cool this summer without breaking the bank, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Connecticut library hosting presentation on energy efficiency

18 Jul, 2013

A major roadblock to increasing the number of energy efficient homes in the United States is awareness, but one Avon, Connecticut, library is looking to change that with a presentation on programs for home energy efficiency that is open to the public and free to attend.