Has your home been recently inspected for lead contamination? If you live in Maryland, it could be an investment worth your life.
New Maryland lead laws went into effect Jan. 1. The law hopes to reduce the number of lead poisoning cases linked to homes built before 1978, according to The Star Democrat.
Although lead paint was prohibited in 1978, many cases have emerged in recent years linking lead poisoning with homes specifically built between 1950 and 1978.
According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at least four million households are infecting children with lead poisoning right now.
Lead can be found in the air, water and soil surrounding and inside your home. It can also be found in plumbing materials, solders, gasoline, cosmetics and batteries.
Lead is oftentimes found in paint covering bedroom walls and playroom areas. It can be safe to be in its vicinity if it is still in decent shape underneath new layers of paint. However, if it begins to chip, crack or create dust though, it may be time to bring in an inspector to remove it.
Children and pregnant women are most prone to the dangerous effects of lead exposure, although exposure to any person or animal can be lethal. Children are still developing and, due to this, they tend to absorb more lead than adults. This can have especially serious and adverse effects on their brain and nervous systems, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Maryland law requires all multi-family and single family homes built before 1978 to be tested for lead paint. Under federal law, lead-based paint in your property must be disclosed when being sold or leased.
If you live in an older home or believe a family member is suffering from lead poisoning, or you are about to sell your home, schedule an appointment with our home inspection company. Alban lead inspectors are accredited and trained to help.