Like all savvy energy consumers, you're probably looking for ways to cut down on your energy bill this winter by eliminating waste. Earlier this month, we shared a few tips to help achieve this goal, and here are a few more:
- Don't block heating vents. Why would you want to restrict your heating system from actually heating your house? If your heating vents or radiators are blocked off by furniture and appliances, the heat can't escape and spread into the room.
- Leave shades open during the day on the south side of the house. This will let in natural light and heat to offset some of the work your heating system would otherwise have to do.
- Make sure your furnace filters are clean. Dirty furnace filters are notorious energy wasters, restricting the flow of warm air and forcing your furnace to work harder to heat your house. You can change the filter yourself, or you can have the furnace serviced by a professional to save even more energy.
- Seal all the leaks. Anywhere where heat might escape — common culprits are fireplaces and chimneys, doors, windows, plumbing fixtures and ducts — should be sealed off for maximum heating efficiency. Caulk and weatherstrip doors and windows, and fill in all other leaks as you can. This will cut about 10 percent off your monthly energy payment.
- Turn down the temperature on your hot water heater. Having a hot water heater set to any higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit causes energy loss. Turn it down to save 7 to 11 percent on heating costs.
Nothing will let you know exactly how to conserve energy quite like an energy audit from Alban Inspections. Contact us today to set up a time to have one of our accredited home inspectors evaluate your home's energy use.