When it comes to maintaining the upkeep of your home, there are certain items that are on the forefront of every person's mind, but some of the most important things can often fall by the wayside. One of those that might have slipped through the cracks is having your place tested for radon. In order to know that the air in your residence is safe, you should have your home inspected, as well as install a functioning radon detector.
Here are a few common questions about having your home tested for radon:
- How much radon is dangerous? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has come up with a standard number that is generally the accepted cut-off between dangerous and not dangerous levels of radon – 4 picocuries per liter of air. The average home has about 1.3, so anywhere from 2 to 4 should require some action in overall reduction.
- What is radon? Simply put, radon is a poisonous and radioactive gas that can come from the soil, rock and even water. It is odorless and colorless, making it very hard to notice, and can come into your home through cracks and holes. If breathed in at high levels, it can be deadly.
- When should my house be tested? Since radon most often comes from the ground, there are several instances where a test is beneficial – if you recently renovated your basement, if the foundation has gone through any changes or if you are selling your house. If the test comes back with less than 2 picocuries per liter of air, an additional test will not be necessary.
If you are a Maryland resident and you would like to have radon testing performed for your home, schedule an appointment with Alban Inspections today!