According to CleanTechnica, the U.S. switching to 100 percent renewable energy by 2050 is possible if the right actions are taken now and in the future.
New research from several U.S. universities has created the first state-by-state transition outline. The plan's motive is clear: make the country more sustainable. The shocking part is that no new technology breakthroughs are needed to make it happen.
Although the changes could be considered big, in terms of both infrastructure and energy consumption, using already present technology, states can take charge of their energy efficient renewables with ease.
"The main barriers are social, political and getting industries to change. One way to overcome the barriers is to inform people about what is possible," said senior fellow at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment and at the Precourt Institute for Energy Mark Z. Jacobson.
The changes can be separated into four categories including commercial, industrial, residential and transportation. As these changes were then implemented through simulations in all 50 states, there was a 39 percent reduction in total end-use power by 2050.
The bulk of this can be attributed to replacing current sources and uses of combustion-related energy with electricity.
This type of conversion will also create a range of jobs, as well as stabilize fuel prices and reduce pollution. A reduction of pollution over time will have an overall effect on related health issues in addition to reducing all types of emissions.
If the plan is followed, a total of almost 63,000 deaths a year could be prevented.
Using the water, wind, solar and other available energy efficient means is one change that can better the world.
On a smaller scale, using energy efficient means in your home can also make a difference. Schedule an energy audit with Alban Inspectors today for more information or a house inspection.