Housing Virginia study confirms value of energy-efficient housing in the state

Our Virginia customers will be happy to learn that an independent study has confirmed the financial and environmental benefits of energy efficiency standards. The study, the first of its kind in Virginia, was conducted by the Virginia Tech Center for Housing Research and aimed to verify whether electricity usage and energy bills were actually lower in apartments that meet green building and energy efficiency standards. 

The study's results, while perhaps not surprising to people who have installed energy efficient appliances in their homes, were decisive. The researchers found that on average, residents of energy-efficient apartment buildings in Virginia save $54 per month on their electricity bills, which adds up to $648 per year.

This constitutes a significant increase in housing affordability for low-income people, especially families and seniors. A household making 30 percent of the Virginia median income, or about $23,250 for a family of four, would find energy efficient housing nearly 10 percent more affordable, according to the researcher's calculations.

Executive Director Robert Adams of Housing Virginia commented in the organization's announcement of the study, "Virginia has been a leader in encouraging energy efficiency in the affordable rental housing market and this study verifies the effectiveness of this strategy. The energy efficient design and standards add to the economic benefit that these lower income families and seniors receive. Every dollar not paid for utilities can go to other important family budget items, including food, transportation and healthcare."

However, people at all income levels can benefit from the savings associated with energy efficiency standards. To learn how you can make your home more energy efficient, contact Alban Inspections for a home energy audit. We will provide personalized suggestions for ways to decrease your home's energy use and save yourself money.