From the desk of
Arthur S. Lazerow
Chairman, Alban Inspections, Inc.
October 2020
What means Sticky? I was discussing marketing with my second son who owned one of the largest ad agencies on Facebook and merged it into Salesforce.com. The subject of logo handouts came up and he explained that anything my company’s’ gifts to Realtor, clients or show attendees should be hard goods that the recipient should want to keep forever, thereby keeping the company name, logo and phone number in sight forever.
Consumable closing gifts not sticky, but are terrific. A cheese platter, bottle of fine wine or fruit basket delivered while your client is moving into the new home will be much appreciated, and probably sweetly remembered, but not sticky. Develop lasting relationships with clients using sticky closing gifts.
When thinking about all the logo items we have used at Realtor fairs, meetings or other group affairs, my favorites were eyeglass cleaning clothes, pens with an LED at the top end, keychain LED flashlights, and note pads. Not strictly sticky a 50 page note pad lasts for a good while. From 1994 until the late 2000s, I taught a 3 hour continuing ed course on home inspections and environmental testing in Realtor offices almost every Tuesday morning. I loved walking through the bullpen area and seeing the Alban Inspections’ pads on numerous Realtors’ desks. My other favorite handout was a metal tape measure that we found by the 100s at a dollar store for one dollar. For sixteen cents each, we had designed and printed a logo sticker for the center area of the tape. For $1.16, those logo marked tape measures are still in clients’ hands.
How about a sticky home related closing gift? 4Imprint sells a reversible screwdriver for $1.29. A larger handle reversible screwdriver would be even better. How about the metal tape measure idea? That’s another great sticky gift. Any good logo corporate gift vendor will have numerous items at affordable prices. Be creative, but be Sticky.