Fresno homeowners spend about $860 million in energy costs each year, which is both 30 percent higher than the state average.
Fresno homeowners spend about $860 million in energy costs each year, which is both 30 percent higher than the state average.
More serious problems, such as a leaky tile shower base or water dripping down through a light fixture, will probably require the assistance of a professional.
The global market for this $225 million industry is expected to climb to $1.3 trillion by 2035.
Many current owners cease maintenance of properties and in some cases blatantly destroy part of homes.
Fire dampers, found in the vents of HVAC systems, help delay the spread of deadly smoke throughout a building.
The Westport town administrator said that any low-cost investments would be “kind of a no-brainer.”
Transportation will be facilitated by carbon offset credits, while solar power and trees will be integrated into local neighborhoods.
The mold problem is so rampant in many of the properties that mold testing would only confirm what many homeowners already know.
If snow melts off the roof of a home or ice collects in the gutters, the home may not be properly insulated.
Chu said that he had been able to cut his energy bill in half by making simple repairs related to heating and insulation.