Your home's plumbing system is more delicate than it looks, especially in the freezing winter months. To ensure that your plumbing continues to function throughout the winter, here are some steps to take now before the coldest weather really hits:
- Make sure your pipes are well-insulated. This will keep the water inside from freezing, expanding and causing the pipes to burst. As a general rule, if a pipe is visible, it should be insulated. There are several types of insulation you can use for your pipes, but pipe wrap insulation is recommended as it's inexpensive and simple to apply.
- Detach all outdoor hoses. In winter, water can trickle into your home's pipes through exterior hoses, increasing the risk of water freezing in the pipes. When you detach the hoses, blowing air through them will make sure that all the water is removed and the hose can be safely stored for winter.
- Winterize sprinkler systems and pump houses. Basically, any system that uses water and is located outside should be winterized. If you draw your water from a private well, make sure to insulate the pipes in the pump house, and if your home has a built-in sprinkler system, be sure to drain all water from the pipes and shut off the water main.
- Tune up your water heater. The water heater is one of the hardest-working appliances in the house during winter. Schedule a tune-up with a professional now to avoid scheduling difficulties later in the season, when everyone will be calling.
Another way to make sure your home's plumbing is ready for winter is to schedule a home inspection with Alban Inspections. Our licensed inspectors will determine what, if anything, can be improved in your plumbing and make recommendations to move forward with repairs.