Home Inspection
Information From
Alban Home
Inspection Service

April '06

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From The Desk of
Arthur Lazerow

Quintin Satterfield Celebrates
his 10th Anniversary with Alban

2006 started with fireworks for Quintin, our chief lead-paint inspector. This January marked Quintin’s tenth anniversary with Alban. To mark the occasion, at our Company holiday dinner at the Comus Inn on January 7, Quintin and Marie were presented with two Mickey Mouse hats, to show that they were going to DisneyWorld! Quintin was speechless, which was unusual for him. Their 10th anniversary trip included a three-day weekend at DisneyWorld and a seven-day Caribbean vacation onboard Mariner of the Sea luxury cruise ship, all expenses paid by Alban. Their vacation during late March was wonderful and, needless to say, Quintin hated coming back to work on Monday March 27.
We are also pleased to announce that on January 26, Douglas M. Duncan, Montgomery County Executive, congratulated Quintin for being a recipient of a 2005 Montgomery’s Best Honor Award. Quintin’s honor was for his work with G.O.S.P.E.L., Glorifying Our Spiritual and Physical Existence for Life. This program, started in 2003, is a collaboration between the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services and the Black Minister’s Conference. It is an outreach effort among eleven African American churches to increase awareness about tobacco related health problems. On March 31, 2006, Quintin received his award at the 2005 Awards Ceremony. We are proud of Quintin’s well-deserved recognition and his fine work in the community over the years, performing crisis intervention with Montgomery County Hotline, various clothes drives, GOSPEL, and many more such efforts. Congratulations, Quintin!

Saving With Seer
How High is Your Energy Efficiency Ratio

SEER is the Seasonal Energy Efficiency
Rating and is used to rate consumer air
conditioning systems. The higher the
number, the less energy the air
conditioning system utilizes. Effective
January 23, 2006, manufacturers may not produce residential air-conditioning
equipment rated less than SEER 13.

HISTORY: This minimum SEER standard for manufacturers has been a political football. After a seven-year review period during the Clinton Administration, the SEER rating of 13 was approved. In 2001, the Bush Administration, bowing to industry pressure, ordered a rollback to SEER 12, but the 2nd Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals overturned this on January 13, 2004. On March 17, 2004, the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute withdrew its legal appeal of the SEER 13 Standard, which permitted the SEER 13 regulation to become effective. ESTIMATED SAVINGS. There is no doubt that down the road, as inventories of replacement SEER 10 equipment are dissipated,






This January marked Quintin’s tenth
anniversary with Alban. Quintin and Marie were presented with two Mickey Mouse hats, to show that they were going to DisneyWorld!

there will be no alternative to switching to the more efficient models. A switch from SEER 8 to SEER 13 equipment is estimated to save about 62% and a switch from SEER 10 to SEER 13 equipment will save about 25% on the cost of energy. With today’s high cost of electricity, especially during the summer air conditioning season, these represent significant savings.

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ALBAN ANNOUNCES RADIO SHOW! Check out Arthur Lazerow, President of Alban Home Inspection Service, the co-host on WMET 1160 AM Intelligent Radio Real Estate Today! Saturdays 10 to 11 AM!


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