Home Inspection
Information From
Alban Home
Inspection Service
September '02
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A House for a Home Inspection

Here’s a Fundamental Primer That Gives an Explanation to Your Clients

Many Realtors have had clients ask them how to prepare for a home inspection. There are routine steps sellers can take to ensure that the inspection goes off without a hitch. Most of them are regular maintenance chores and quite easy and inexpensive to do. Above all, sellers should not try to do quick, cheap repairs, as this could cause questions and concern to home inspectors and prospective buyers. First, the home seller should concentrate on the exterior of the house. He or she should provide at least six inches of clearance between grade/mulch and siding. Dirty gutters and debris should be cleaned from the roof. Basement entry drains should be cleaned out as well.
The grade of the land should slope away
from the home so that water is diverted away from the house. Downspouts, sump pumps, condensation drains, and the like should all drain away from the home. 
Trees, roots, and bushes should be
trimmed away from the home’s foundation, roof, siding, and chimney. All weathered exterior wood should be painted. 
Caulking should be placed around the
chimney, windows, and doors. Rotting wood and/or firewood should not be in contact with the house. Decks should be properly graded.
Some of these remedies are obvious but might
be overlooked by anxious sellers.



If the asphalt driveway is cracking, it should be sealed. Masonry chimney caps should be sealed or pointed up. Metal flue caps should also be installed on chimneys. The home’s HVAC filter should be cleaned or replaced, if needed. Dirty air returns and plenum need cleaned as well. Any faulty mortar joints in a home’s brick or block should be pointed up. All doors and windows must be in proper working condition. If windowpanes are cracked, sellers need to have them replaced, or repaired if possible. Turning to the interior of the home, the seller should make sure that any burned out light bulbs are replaced before a home inspection. Sellers need to ensure that all smoke detectors work. If a home’s attic is not ventilated, it needs to be. Also, a professional should clean the chimney, fireplace, or wood stove. The buyer must be provided with a copy of this cleaning record. Plumbing fixtures, including toilet, tub, shower, and sinks, should be in proper working order. Any leaks must be fixed, and caulking should be done around plumbing fixtures if necessary. The sump pump should be operating properly.

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From the desk of . . .
     Arthur S. Lazerow

New Inspectors Join Alban

RUSS NARKIE joins Alban as home inspector and as an FHA approved inspector/
program manager under FHA 203K. During his six years with the City of Hagerstown, he developed an outstanding reputation for professionalism is all aspects of housing, from acquisition and rehabilitation to final inspection. 
Besides his FHA accreditation, Russ is a licensed Maryland Home Improvement Contractor, accredited MDE lead paint supervisor and visual inspector, and graduate of the ITA home inspection school. To avoid conflicts of interest on his part-time job with the City of Hagerstown, he will not be inspecting within the City limits. He will concentrate in Washington and Frederick Counties, and nearby areas of West Virginia and Pennsylvania.
LEE EYLER is starting his home inspection
career part-time, offering late afternoon inspections and some weekends, but his long-term goal is to become a full-time home inspector. Lee’s experience is truly hands on. He attended the Frederick County Vocational Training School and Building Spec’s home inspection training school. He has done roofing, septic system installation, landscaping and for the last ten years has worked performing home improvements. Talk about from the ground up! He is also a skilled heavy construction equipment mechanic and operator. With Lee on board, we can perform your home inspection and repair your bulldozer.


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