Home Inspection
Information From
Alban Home
Inspection Service

November '03

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All Homes
Of All Ages Need a Home Inspection!

Every home, regardless of age, should receive a professional inspection prior to the sale. Buyers of new homes who neglect having a thorough inspection do themselves a great disservice – at the risk of thousands of dollars in unseen repairs.

Builders agree the boom in demand for new homes has created a shortage of skilled experienced craftsmen. Unfortunately, that leads to hiring unskilled labor to work on some of the newer projects. This makes it necessary for a professional inspection of even the newest homes. 
A professional inspection is a win-win
situation during a real estate transaction. Also, an inspection provides the potential buyer with an overall evaluation of the condition of the home and its major systems. Also, it turns up the positive aspects of the home’s condition and gives the seller a stronger negotiating position. 
Here are some reasons for home
inspections at various stages in a home’s life: 

New Homes
Often there are minor repair items
found during inspections of new homes. These repairs include incorrectly wired circuits, cracked roof shingles, paint touchup, and  scratches in finished wood. New homes should not show any signs of foundation settling, water intrusion, soil erosion, or improperly functioning appliances or mechanical components. The best advice is to buy a new home before it’s constructed; then hire a home


inspector to supervise the progress on the home. The inspector should check the construction at least two times; at the predrywall inspection when all rough-ins are complete and during the final inspection upon completion. At the pre-drywall inspection the foundation and rough grading, all framing, and all rough-ins are accessible for observation. Depending on the situation, he may also inspect the various systems as they are installed, including the roof, walls, plumbing, and electrical systems. 
If the home is already completed,
a thorough inspection before purchase is certainly in order. 

Nearly New Homes (2 to 10 years)
After a short time, there will be routine
wear and tear on newly built homes. However, homes 2 to 10 years old should remain structurally and mechanically sound. There will be some foundation settling. The inspector should pay close attention to drainage issues, caulking, painting, and other routine systems. A review of the electrical and mechanical systems should be done at this time to assure proper operating performance.


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From the desk of . . .
     Arthur S. Lazero

Mold and the Practice of Real Estate

Is it the full moon or is Mars too close to earth? This past week numerous Realtors have explained to me that mold is not a problem in a home if it is a non-toxic mold. And the moon is made of Swiss cheese! 
Although toxic molds, such as certain species of
Stachybotrys, Bipolais and Acremonium, are the most dangerous of the mold types, almost all mold and mildews are considered allergenic and will cause health problems depending on individual sensitivity to mold contamination. Realtors should not buy into the toxic/non-toxic dichotomy. Any home with a mold problem or the potential for a mold problem should be investigated and corrective action taken as determined by the mold inspector. Needless to say, all Alban home inspectors are qualified to perform mold investigations and testing. 
At a minimum, educate clients about mold. EPA
has a newly published guide that is an understandable discussion of mold and its impact on housing and health. It can be found on the web at epa.gov/iaq/molds/images/moldguide.pdf.Every Realtor should be aware of their clients’ allergies and alert to the following conditions in a home, known as red flags, which suggest the possibility of mold contamination and the need for further investigation and testing: 1. Visible mold growth; 2. Any musty odor; 3. Evidence of present or past water infiltration.; 4. Any condition that could permit water infiltration.; 5. Construction defects; 6. Poorly maintained or dirty HVAC system; 7. Plumbing and bathroom defects or actual leaks; 8. Carpet in direct contact with concrete.






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