Preventive Maintenance
Throughout The Home
The best
maintenance is preventive maintenance. The
following tips will keep problems
to a minimum and increase the overall
appearance and value of a home.
Crawl Spaces
Check around the house,
generally close to the
ground, for damage to wood
or wood-boring insect infestation. In
the basement and crawl spaces,
examine the inside surfaces of the
foundation walls and floor framing for
wood-boring insect damage or water
penetration. . Check
for cracks in foundation walls that
allow water entry into the basement
or crawl space. Settlement of
the soil around the foundation is usually
the cause. Keep grades sloped away
from the house.
Check all
interior and exterior drains.
Keep drains clean and open.
Exterior Walls and Surfaces
Check masonry walls for
cracks or loose, crumbling
mortar joints. Since masonry
is a brittle material, it’s susceptible
to damage from freezing. Water
that penetrates the cracks or joints
and then expands when frozen ruptures
the toughest materials. Allow
for proper sealing.
Check all siding and
trim for damage
(cracking and splitting), decay,
and tightness of fit.
Damaged materials should
be repaired or replaced and the condition
that caused the problem corrected.
Loose nails (caused by normal
expansion and contraction) should
be reset. Additional nails or screws
may be needed.
All painted surfaces should
be inspected for peeling
deterioration or |

normal wear. Sometimes peeling paint can
be caused by condensation. Paint life
will vary with the method of application
(brush, spray, etc.) and the exposure
of the surface to the elements. To
avoid paint scraping and removal,
repaint before the paint peels,
cracks, or blisters.
Caulking should
be checked at all joints.
Loose caulk will permit water to
enter. Decay or ice damage may result.
Also, air leaks through these joints
will lead to heat and energy losses.
Check the roof surfaces
for loose, damaged,
or missing shingles. Check between
the tabs on asphalt shingles, as
granules wear off here first and cause
leaks. Older slate and tile roofs should
be inspected and maintained regularly
by a professional roofer. In most
cases, the nails that hold the slates
fail before the slates.
Trim trees and shrubs away
from the house or roof.
continued on page 2... |
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From the desk of . . . Arthur S.
Lazerow Schedule
Your Termite Inspection Through Alban
mentioned last month that Alban Home Inspection Service, Inc. has
partnered with two termite inspection
companies, Enviro-Tech Pest Services, Inc.
in Western Maryland and Fanatic
Pest Control in Metropolitan
Washington, to provide wood destroying
insect inspections for our clients Both companies
are technically first rate and were highly recommended
by Realtors and other home inspectors who
have used each for years.
But the comments I kept hearing while investigating termite
inspection companies were that these folks provide
outstanding service to their clients and the Realtors
serving them. Sounds like The ASHI Experience
motto: outstanding technical proficiency combined
with superior service.
There are two advantages at play with this arrangement.
The first is the efficiency factor for our clients
and their Realtors, who can make one call and schedule
all of the necessary environmental testing necessary
for the transaction with Alban Home Inspection
Service, Inc..
The second is the efficiency factor the home inspection
experience itself. I have had my first few home
inspections with the termite inspector scheduled
concurrently. My clients had the opportunity
to question the inspector about his findings.
Both insects and related structural damage problems were dealt with
while the buyer was in the home.
All of my clients appreciated this and actually commented
how much they appreciated this arrangement.
Schedule your home inspection, termite inspection, radon,
water, septic system, lead-based paint and mold
inspection and testing with one call to Alban at 1-800-822-7200.
