The Preparation Check
can exist which make it impossible for the inspector
to check certain areas or systems in the house. If this
happens, a client should schedule a follow-up inspection
of the property, which will incur an additional fee.
Since it’s to the homeowner’s advantage financially to have
all aspects of the house inspected in one visit, listing agents
should suggest that clients use the following checklist
to assure accessibility:
the home’s gas service turned on?
the home’s electric service turned
the home’s water service turned
the electrical panel box unlocked?
the electrical panel box blocked by items
such as shelves or storage?
the attic easily accessible?
the irrigation system control box
the home has a pier and beam foundation,
is access blocked by items
such as shelves or storage?
the heating system blocked by items
such as shelves or storage?
the pilot to the heating system
turned on?
the cooling system blocked by items
such as shelves or storage?
the water heater/system blocked by
items such as shelves or storage?
the water heating system pilot on?
dogs or other family pets
the security system off? If
not, does the inspector have the
access code?
the homeowner makes the systems in the
home easily accessible, he can facilitate
the home inspection process – and
save himself some money in the bargain!