Alban Home Inspection Service

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Summertime: Think Fireplaces

Air Conditioner Advice
 continued from front page...

The combination of a hot, humid summer day and excessive buildup of creosote on the walls of the fireplace and the chimney creates an unpleasant odor. The strong smell of creosote is similar to burnt wood, only worse. If you have a fireplace in your home, this time of year is perfect to determine whether or not you need a chimney mechanic to clean your chimney and fireplace. 
A rule of thumb for fireplace cleaning is
simple: clean the fireplace and chimney after burning one cord of wood or when it smells during the summer. A cord of wood is measured as two rows of firewood four feet high and eight feet long. That’s a huge amount  of firewood. Most homeowners do not burn a quarter of a cord of wood each winter, unless that’s the primary source of winter heating. 
Does your fireplace have a draft problem?
Does it tend to go out before the wood is fully consumed? This may indicate insufficient combustion air. If so, now is the perfect time for your chimney mechanic or sweep to install small fresh air vents from the outside into the back of your fireplace. This is a job for a professional and the chimney mechanic will tell you whether or not fireplace doors are needed. 
Work on your fireplace during the summer.
Know why? Chimney sweeps are looking for work and prices are more reasonable.


the air from becoming stratified, warmer rising and colder settling. The fan will keep the air well mixed and the thermostat will call for cooling less frequently, thereby saving money.
Close storm windows during air conditioning use and close blinds on the sunny side of the home. Reducing heat and moisture transfer into the home means less cooling and dehumidification is needed to remain comfortable. Also, insulated window glass doubles the energy efficiency of windows.
Prune plants and trees away from the outside condensing unit. Air space of at least three feet above top air discharge units and one foot around the sides is needed for proper airflow.

Note: This newsletter is for informational purposes only. When getting involved with a project, please work within your ability. If you need help with a contractor or with any other home-related issue, please contact Alban Home Inspection Service with any questions. Thank You.

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