We Advise
To Inspect a Home's Fireplace Annually
and homebuyers alike should have the fireplace and chimney
inspected by
a qualified fireplace specialist.
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
recommends an annual professional
inspection to check the chimney, flues,
and vents for leakage and blockage. Leakage
through cracks or holes could cause black
stains outside the chimney and flue; meaning
that pollutants are leaking into the house.
Inadequately maintained and vented fireplaces
can produce more carbon monoxide infiltration
than several furnaces and water heater
flue vents combined. Therefore, it is essential
for safety to assure all components are working
Homeowners may be unaware of problems that occur
at the chimney or firebox. These problems
include corroded or inoperable metal smoke
damper, a damaged metal ash dump cover,
eroded mortar joints, and improper clearance from combustible
materials at the hearth opening.
all these problems pose potential danger to the home and its
occupants, it is essential that the fireplace area is
professionally inspected.

hiring a fireplace
specialist, the homeowner should consider the following:
Make sure the company or individual is
a member of the state chimney guild
or association or similar professional association.
• Check with the local Better
Business Bureau to see
if there have been any complaints
filed. • Do not allow
the inspector to perform corrective work for the defects he
finds, as this may
present a conflict of interest. Instead,
get a written report, then hire a state
licensed masonry contractor to do the actual
repairs. |
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Alban is proud to offer FREE Continuing
Education Courses in Real Estate Offices!Call Melissa For
Information and to Schedule at 301-404-8104 or 301-607-8114. | |
From the desk of . . . Arthur S. Lazerow
Happy Holidays to All!
The holiday
season is always much anticipated, with parties,
family gatherings and gift giving on everyone’s
mind. But this is also a time for reflection
on the year past. In the real estate cycle, January
and February seem to muddle along, March 1st
comes and then Halloween and what’s in between remains
a blur. 2003 has been a particularly difficult year
for Realtors, with insufficient product to sell and
low interest rates producing multiple offers and higher
Nonetheless, 2003 was a banner year for Alban. Our gross
number of inspections set a company record. Mold
inspecting became an integral part of our inspection
services, augmenting lead-based paint, water,
septic and radon testing. Marty Blackwood and
Rodney Shull received their certifications as nationally
accredited home inspectors from the American
Society of Home Inspectors. Rudy Rudacil is
also very close to receiving his ASHI accreditation. Two
new continuing education courses have been added
to the classes we offer for Realtors: Understanding
Residential Construction (3 hrs.) and Communication
Skills for Realtors (1 1/2 hrs., no credit)
On balance, this has been a busy and productive
year for our administrative staff and our home
Our inspection staff, George Ash, Quintin Satterfield, Roberto
Montiel, Rudy Rudacil, Marty Blackwood, Rodney
Shull and Lee Eyler, and our administrative staff,
Sandy Watkins (general manager), Terry Toms (accounting),
Gretchen Wright (scheduling), Melissa Brois
(marketing) and Mandy Toms (administration) join
me in wishing you and yours the happiest of holiday
seasons and a joyous New Year.
