Home Inspection
Information From
Alban Home
Inspection Service

August  '04

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The Home Inspector 
Is Coming

Make sure your client understands the importance of a having a home inspection while the house is in escrow. Disclosure laws and real estate practices vary, but nothing should hinder the home inspector from working quickly and efficiently.

To ensure a smooth, successful professional inspection, the seller should be advised to:
1. Leave the premises.

The homeowner should allow the
real estate agent to show the home to the inspector and prospective buyer. The inspection will take at least two hours, depending on the size and age of the home. 
2. Be polite.
inspector is not the seller’s enemy. The inspector’s role is not to find reasons for the buyer to cancel the transaction: It’s to offer all parties a fair assessment of the property. So the seller should always treat the inspector professionally. Remind the seller to respect the inspector’s time by calling to set up another appointment if access to the property won’t be possible at the scheduled time.
3. Don’t argue during the inspection.

A homeowner who is present during the
inspection should not trail along behind the inspector and real estate agent. After the report is written, there will be time to respond to the inspector’s findings.


4. Don’t make statements based on guesswork. 
Real estate deals are major
financial transactions. A seller who does
not know the answer to an inspector’s
question, should say so.
5. Grant all access. 

To do an efficient job,
the inspector needs to have access to all the living areas of the home. If a seller does not allow an inspector into a particular area, the restriction will be noted in the inspection report. Which will surely raise potential buyers’ suspicions.
6. Make agreed upon repairs promptly.

Your client may be asked to make
repairs based upon the results of the inspection report. Advise your client to do so promptly. After all, the more quickly the repairs are made, the sooner the contingency will be met and the deal can be finalized. Why delay the closing of escrow?




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From the desk of . . .
     Arthur S. Lazero

50,000 Watts On The Radio

Real Estate Today, heard every Saturday morning from 10 to 11 a.m. on WMET, 1160 AM, is now broadcast on a 50,000-watt signal. We can be heard from Baltimore to Richmond, from Annapolis to Hagerstown. In short, Real Estate Today, with Donna Evers and me as Co-Hosts, can be heard throughout Alban’s entire market area.
 Join me for an in-depth discussion of those hot real estate issues that impact on Realtor’s business and client’s lives. In addition, our weekly guests are experts in their fields. Past guests have included both real estate and settlement lawyers, landscape and interior space designers, garden experts, mold and lead-based paint professionals, a new construction home inspection specialist, and an elder-care housing consultant, plus others. 
A real estate broker and a home inspector are an odd
couple, but this makes for interesting dialogue. Donna Evers, my co-host, is owner and broker of Evers and Co., specializing in fine metropolitan Washington properties. My 30+ years experience as a homebuilder and developer, lawyer and home inspector combined with Donna’s 30+ years of experience provides a lifetime of real estate related knowledge. And have we got stories to tell! 
We add spice to the show with a weekly financial
update by our "Mortgage Mogul" and a very interesting Historic Moment focusing on significant properties in our area. If LIBOR, 203K, Freddy-Mac and the fact that George Washington at Mt. Vernon was one of America’s leading distillers is beyond your knowledge base, tune into 1160 AM Saturdays from 10 to 11 a.m. for these and many more answers to the questions you have and the questions you have not thought to ask.





ALBAN ANNOUNCES RADIO SHOW! Check out Arthur Lazerow, President of Alban Home Inspection Service, the co-host on WMET 1160 AM Intelligent Radio Real Estate Today! Saturdays 10 to 11 AM!


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